Commodity passive RFID system consisting of the reader and battery-free RFID tags proliferates the internet-of-things applications (e.g., indoor localization, gesture recognition and assets tracking) due to its low cost and small form factor. In this thesis, we propose three human-centered RFID sensing systems (i.e., RFDiaper, Tago and Allergie) for healthy diapering, safe vehicle-pavement interaction and relative vehicular localization respectively. In RFDiaper, we leverage the coupling effect between the tag and diaper to sense the diaper wetness and identify urine pH value, using twin-tag framework to eliminate the multipath effect. In comparison to the sensor based diaper wetness sensing systems, RFDiaper is low-cost that can sense the diaper wetness and identify the urine pH value simultaneously. To mitigate the other factors (e.g., dynamic environment) on diaper wetness detection and urine pH identification, we propose a novel design with twin tags attached on the diaper. In Tago, we attach RFID tag and reader’s antennas at the front end of the vehicle to sense the road surface conditions for safe driving, which is different from the advanced sensor (e.g., Lidar and camera sensors) or smartphone-based road surface sensing systems. To eliminate the impact of dynamic environment and strength the backscattered signals from the road surface, we propose a novel design by cancelling out the line-of-sight reflection from the tag body. As a result, the backscattered ii signals from the road surface can be analysed to sense the bumps or potholes on the road surface. In Allergie, we also leverage the commodity passive RFID system, which will be attached on our vehicle to predict the approaching direction of the nearby vehicles. Specifically, we attach four tags at the four corners of our vehicle, which will be used to predict the approaching direction of the nearby vehicle (i.e., from left to right at left, from right to left at left, from left to right at right and from right to left at right). We implement and evaluate our systems with commodity passive RFID tags and software defined radios (i.e., USRP N210) in real-world environment. Our experimental results show the good performance of RFDiaper on diaper wetness detection and urine pH identification, Tago on road surface detection and Allergie on relative vehicular localization.
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